Saturday, 6 July 2013

Setting S.M.A.R.T goals and scaling Himalayan heights

How does one go about pursuing one's ambitions which are sky-high?. Especially, if those ambitions necessitate goal-setting and their implementation with the help of teamwork. ­­Here is an activity that we performed in our class which helped us understand what went into setting smart goals.
                                        Tower building Exercise
          We were given a set of wooden blocks and build a tower using them. These blocks had to be placed on top of one large block. There was one person who was building the block and the rest were asked to assist him. Also, whenever the tower falls, the game was as good as over.
          We were then asked to arrive at an estimate for the height of the tower to be built. The rest of the class was asked to give suggestions about goal set, goal history, and goal achieved in terms of the height of the tower as we all made educated guesses about them.
          This activity was then used as a platform to explain the concept of S.M.A.R.T goals. The picture below shows the importance of S.M.A.R.T goals and what they really mean when it comes to achieving the goals.
          The process helped us understand that human potential is infinite and that it always comes on top of the other parameters. The parameters considered were:-
1. Potential
2. Goals set
3. Performance (actual)
4. Performance (history)

          The goals set will always be less than the potential. It's our efforts to bridge the gap between potential and goals set that will help us move closer and closer to our goals and become near-perfect. 

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