Friday, 21 June 2013

My first day at NITIE and my tryst with our prolific professor


               Weather prediction, they say, is a tough job. Very often, the predictions go awry. But anyone trying to forecast the weather in Mumbai can step into the role with aplomb. Such is the predictability of the weather in this part of the world during this time of the year.
               The weather inside our NITIE campus was also quite predictable. There was a lot of nervous energy around. Walking in the hallowed portals was a dream come true for all of us. Everyone had just one question in mind "It's my first class in my dream college. What's it going to be like?" as we huffed and puffed our way up the stairs to Syndicate-1.

               It was 9 AM. Dr. Prasad, fondly referred to as professor Mandi by his students, strode into our classroom.  The first few moments of the class was a throw-back to my cricketing days as Dr. Prasad gave us a few balls and asked to play around with them (Who said that learning wasn't fun?). It was more than enough to cool down the tensed nerves.
               Then came my time under the sun. Dr. Prasad asked me and my friend (Aviral) to take centre stage. He gave me a pink-coloured toy and asked me to sell it to Aviral for 70 rupees. I tried my best to fit into the shoes of a salesman for my company and named it 'Child-play International Toys.' At the end of the exercise, both of us received a word of appreciation from Dr. Prasad. We then realized that the objective of the exercise was to apprise us of the travails of a salesman in selling a product. It also showed us why management education was necessary to make a transaction click.
               2500. Yes, that's a number that I wouldn't forget in my life. For that's the amount that I would be sacrificing everyday as the opportunity cost of doing my MBA. How does one get it back? Listen to Dr. Mandi. His solution is Earning while learning. While that's easier said than done, I am on the lookout for ways to do it. Dr. Mandi's desi ways fail to impress nobody as he asked to take an oath saying "Aaj ki roti, aaj hi kamaana hai."
               "Blogging? Oh, such a waste of time." If you are one of those who say that, then think again my friend. This was the biggest takeaway for me from this class. Dr. Mandi spoke to us about the importance of blogging and the potential it has to educate the masses, free of cost. It can indeed serve as a panacea for the lack of infrastructure and quality of education that our education system is suffering from.
               Floyd is always fun to listen to. But Floyd inside a classroom?? It just doesn't get better. It was Dr. Mandi's way of telling us "Don't be another brick in the wall."
               At this juncture, I'm reminded of one of my favorite quotes, The secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.


  1. Hey Eswar,

    Nice way to begin your academics :-D by blogging.. but will your professor give credits for this as well :-D Just kidding, Anyways my suggestion is don't panic about oppotunity cost or the cost foregone by you for LEARNING. It just creates a walloping pressure on you. So just take it easy policy or all is well as they say while learning. Looking forward to more blogs from you. Also people are kind of tweeting these days and using to share their thoughts about events and happenings in Twitter with apps which enables you to type more than 140 characters and you can post your link for blog as well in a tweet to share it when you want to express yourself more :) Just a suggestion.

    1. Regarding the Opportunity cost: MBA students spending 2.5Kevery day and not earning a ruppee is 1. Not learning Business 2. Crime.

      1. MBAs are not learning Business lessons but they are learning " Anti MBA " lessons.

      2. Either MBAs OR not ... if one CAN earn what one is spending .. One must Earn. Otherwise it is CRIME..

      3. Earning by MBAs is not for Earning .. The purpose is L E A R N I N G.. it is pedagogy... It is method adopted.. It is innovative design of learning..Issue is not one should earn or not.. issue is learning or not..

      Let me contest your words " Walloping pressure " . Love to talk to you if you want.. 09869464525.. dr mandi.professor of dhanda..

    2. Dude.. we learn a lot if we start a firm of our own while learning..learning that way is the best way to become an efficient manager. It teaches you to manage everything in life..from money to time to pressure..India needs more entrepreneurs..and b-school students must be the beacon for everyone!!

  2. Awesome one bro, Way to go,! :)(y)

  3. Perfect ! :)

    Keep writing ! :)

  4. Hi,

    Good start and nice way to begin the first class.Ice breaker ,yet meaningful.
